In-depth career guide - 80,000 Hours

Transform your career into a force for good. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, but have you considered if your job feels meaningful? 80,000 Hours can help you find a fulfilling path that makes a difference. You don’t have to be a doctor or charity worker to make an impact; there are many other high-impact routes you might not know about.

Rooted in research with Oxford University academics, this nonprofit offers a free career guide to challenge conventional choices and open your eyes to new possibilities. The guide is full of practical, research-driven advice to help you build a career plan that excites and motivates you. Beyond the guide, explore deep-dive interviews on their podcast and impactful opportunities on their job board.

Everything 80,000 Hours offers is completely free — because they believe in empowering you to make a difference through your career. Dive into the free guide and start planning a career that’s fulfilling and contributes to the greater good.

We've reviewed the best available evidence on how to have a fulfilling career; over 10 years of research have gone into our career guide.

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