Green Hills of Africa: The Hemingway Library Edition
Breaking the Time Barrier: The Race to Build the First Time Machine
Where mountains roar: A personal report from the Sinai and Negev Deserts
Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel
I really felt like I got to know [Rolf Potts] through [his] book Vagabonding, which was one of two books – many people do not know this – that I took with me around the world for about a year and a half, starting in late 2004, early 2005. It must have been 2004. And it is one of my most heavily underlined books, and really acted as my guide and my companion for all of the various travels, adventures, misadventures during that time. . . . So, you know, money that provides you with freedom basically takes away your freedom when it reaches a certain point. It starts to reduce your freedom; the idea that so-called freedom fighters in excess, you know, given too much power become tyrants, right, so things tend to flip when they get to a certain point of excess. And also, just because I’m such a die-hard fan boy of Vagabonding, correct me if I’m wrong, but the example that I think you gave in Vagabonding of sort of Hollywood nonsense related to overseas travel was from Wall Street. Wasn’t it from Wall Street where Charlie Sheen’s big goal was to save up enough money, you know, one day when he strikes it big, to get a motorcycle and drive across China, I think. And you pointed out that you could scrub toilets in China – not even in the US – for a month or two, and probably figure out a way financially to make that possible. So certainly, I mean when I was traveling, and ultimately putting together the notes and observations that became The Four Hour Work Week, I saved tens of thousands of dollars compared to simply staying in the Bay Area in California. Yeah, anyway South America or the Middle East, than you would just be paying your bills and paying your rent and buying your groceries at home. You’re traveling in a completely different economic zone, which was sort of the point of pointing out this Wall Street example. via Ep 41: Rolf Potts on Travel Tactics, Creating Time Wealth, and Lateral Thinking It reminds me of conversations I've had with Rolf Potts and also his book, Vagabonding, which I just absolutely love. It was that book and Walden that I took with me traveling when I had my own two year or so walkabout. He points out, in the beginning of Vagabonding, that many people subscribe to the belief along the lines of Charlie Sheen's in the movie Wall Street, when he's asked what he's going to do when he makes his millions and he says, "I'm going to get a motorcycle and ride across China." Rolf of course points out that you could clean toilets in the US and save enough money to ride a motorcycle across China. via Ep 25: Kevin Kelly - WIRED Co-Founder, Polymath, Most Interesting Man In The World This is one two books that I took with me around the world in 2004. The other book was Walden by Thoreau. This is arguably the most practical manual of life philosophies that I've found. It has a focus on the uncommon guide or rather the uncommon art of long term world travel. But it is an outstanding book for those people who feel trapped in any situation, any business, any career. Or if you simply want to experience more of life. Really really really outstanding. via Random w/ Tim and Kevin - Ep3 This post is a dream come true. Starting in college, I’ve fantasized about somehow driving fantastic but under-appreciated books into the limelight. I have a soft spot for out-of-print tomes and niche publications. Flash forward, nearly 15 years later… After three #1 bestsellers, I’ve finally pulled the trigger. For the last several months, I’ve been quietly buying audiobook and e-book rights to books that have changed my life, and producing audiobooks in professional studios. Fun! This post launches the Tim Ferriss Book Club, and the first book is incredible: Vagabonding. Why a Book Club? There are several reasons… I was greatly influenced by books recommended by Oprah Winfrey’s Book Club (e.g. Love in the Time of Cholera), despite the fact that I wasn’t her demographic. I could never find a book club for 20-40-year old males, or a curator for that demo. I’m now in a position to give it a shot myself (and extend it to women, of course). Based on recent experiments (BitTorrent and elsewhere), I think I can at least double an author’s print sales with my marketing of their audio/e-book. I like helping good writers. This blog’s community is incredible…and we like books (see comparison to TV and NYT Op-Ed impact). The idea of having thousands of people read the same book each month, all interacting with one another and the book’s author, is thrilling to me. And, last but not least… You’ve asked me to start a book club for years! The time has come. This leads us to Rolf Potts and a little tome with a huge impact…
Of Wolves and Men
This is probably my favorite nonfiction book of the last five years. I received it as a Christmas gift, I devoured it in one week, and nearly every page is covered in highlighter. It’s truly that phenomenal. Barry’s mastery of structure and the written word echoes of John McPhee, and the beauty of his prose reminds me of Mary Oliver. Repeatedly, I found myself saying aloud, “Wow. How does someone DO this?” Here’s the description, edited for length: “Humankind’s relationship with the wolf is the sum of a spectrum of responses ranging from fear to admiration and affection. Lopez’s classic, careful study won praise from a wide range of reviewers, became a finalist for the National Book award, and forever improved the way books on wild animals are written. Of Wolves and Men explores the uneasy interaction between wolves and civilization over the centuries, and the wolf’s prominence in our thoughts about wild creatures. Drawing upon an impressive array of literature, history, science, and mythology as well as extensive personal experience with captive and free-ranging wolves, Lopez… immerses the reader in its sensory world, creating a compelling portrait of the wolf both as a real animal and as imagined by different kinds of men. A scientist might perceive the wolf as defined by research data, while an Eskimo hunter sees a family provider much like himself. For many Native Americans the wolf is also a spiritual symbol, a respected animal that can strengthen the individual and the community. With irresistible charm and elegance, Of Wolves and Men celebrates careful scientific fieldwork, dispels folklore… explains myths, and honors indigenous traditions, allowing us to understand how this remarkable animal has become so prominent for so long in the human heart.”
The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media

Delve into the books that have broadened Ferriss' understanding of societies, cultures, and human interactions, offering unique perspectives and insights.